Grand Tarot Esoterico                        Marseille                               Oswald Wirth                                Rider-Waite


svAbhinava - the Magician


[Position 9: Developments / Card: Magician / Spread: Self-Healing - Saturday, 19th July 2002]


Main Interpretation: "Now is the time to express your spontaneous creativity."

The card in the Developments position shows which way your relationship with yourself seems to be headed. By making skillful choices, you can improve on or neutralize unwanted tendencies. When the Magus is in this position, you will soon be divinely inspired to share your unique point of view and insights. The circumstances seem perfectly suited to call forth your genius in a context where others can appreciate your brilliant gifts. Let yourself shine! This is your moment to reveal your natural talents and gifts. You will likely find a receptive audience and achieve positive results. Imagine yourself as a spark of genius creating new and brilliant connections, much to everyone's great delight. Forget performance anxiety and get on with the show--you will be brilliant.

General Meaning: Traditionally, the Magus is one who can demonstrate hands-on magic -- as in healing, transformative rituals, alchemical transmutations, charging of talismans and the like. A modern Magus is any person who completes the circuit between heaven and Earth, one who seeks to bring forth the divine 'gold' within her or himself. At the birth of Tarot, even a gifted healer who was not an ordained clergyman was considered to be in league with the Devil! For obvious reasons, the line between fooling the eye with sleight of hand, and charging the world with magical will was not clearly differentiated in the early Tarot cards. Waite's image of the Magus as the solitary ritualist communing with the spirits of the elements -- with its formal arrangement of symbols and postures -- is a token of the freedom we have in modern times to declare our spiritual politics without fear of reprisal. The older cards were never so explicit about what the Magus was doing. It's best to keep your imagination open with this card. Visualize yourself manifesting something unique, guided by evolutionary forces that emerge spontaneously from within your soul.

Position Meaning:  "The card in the Developments position shows which way your relationship with yourself seems to be headed. By making skillful choices, you can improve on or neutralize unwanted tendencies. The Developments position points ahead to the natural consequences of actions you are taking, or will soon take. This card can give you some sense of which direction the wind is blowing with regard to your personal life. It may refer to some particular aspect of spiritual development that is front and center for you right now. Remember -- despite what this card might indicated, you still have it in your power to make changes! This is about what could happen soon, following the dynamics of your style of relating to yourself and your life. Nevertheless, if you follow the Advice card, you can improve on or neutralize difficult probabilities that may be unfolding."