Marseille                Oswald Wirth            Rider-Waite



[Position 3: Higher Power / Card: Judgment]


Main Interpretation: "Your ordinary life will undergo powerful new direction in which you are returned to your deepest self.� Or "A re-gathering of lost fragments allows you to connect to your Higher Self.�


When Judgment presents in this position, you and others like you are called from your ordinary lives to enact a self transformation that will epitomize the spirit of your times. It could bring no attention to your ego at all because it may be accomplished anonymously or collectively. It is felt in every fiber of your interior life. This awakening begins an entirely new cycle of possibilities and wipes away old failures, anger and doubt. It starts you fresh with a new goal, a new purpose and a new set of resources to work with. In truth, this newness is not unique at all, but stimulates ancient, submerged aspects of yourself that you have possessed all along but have not been able to access. When this force is engaged, you are actually more your real self than you have ever been before.


                                    OR (May 13, 2001)


The Judgment card symbolizes redemption � a wake-up call combined with the re-integration of missing parts of your self. The common image of people rising out of the grave symbolizes various aspects of the whole self returning to consciousness: subconscious contents, dream time visions, the emotional body, the soul itself. These are aspects of yourself that had been neglected, sacrificed, sublimated, destroyed, lost or simply undiscovered. A process of transformation allows you to access them consciously. The experience of subtle dimensions is a mystery words cannot explain. One can only be receptive to profound moments of reckoning when they come.


General Meaning: "The Judgment card picturing the Resurrection represents the great reunion that the ancients believed would happen once every world age. This was believe to be when souls are �harvested� and taken �home� to the place of origin outside the solar system. Then the World is seeded with a batch of new souls and the process starts over. In this great reunion, every personality that you have ever been, and every soul that you have done deep work with, comes back together to consciously complete the process.


In personal terms, this portrays you becoming so free of inner conflicts, so clear a channel, that the buried talents and gifts of past incarnations can come through you in this lifetime. You can trust the process of opening yourself because what emerges is of consistently high quality. You effortlessly manifest as a multi-dimensional being, and you assist in evoking that response in others.


Publisher Notes:"Divinatory meanings: Change of position, renewal, outcome.


Reversed meanings: Weakness, pusillanimity, simplicity; also deliberation, decision, sentence.